Thursday, August 13, 2015

Police: Bounty hunter arrested for unlawful pursuit

Police: Bounty hunter arrested for unlawful pursuit
bounty hunter allegedly went rogue in Sandusky Monday night when he ignored the man he should've been chasing and instead went after his ...

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bounty hunters raid the wrong house get arrested
Bounty hunters mistakenly raid Phoenix police chief's house, police say
Eleven bounty hunters looking for a fugitive Tuesdaynight mistakenly targeted the home of Phoenix Police Chief Joseph Yahner while following a tip ...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Bountyhunter! Dont leave your catch unattended

News On 6
Handcuffed Man Makes Daring Escape Attempt
The man managed to make his way from the backseat of a bail bondsman car and speed off. Thebail bondsman had just picked up 30-year-old Nolan ...