Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Note: Please let your membership know that I am involved in the following; Storyhouse Productions is currently interviewing Bounty Hunters for a new TV Show with myself as the Host for the series hour long show. It will deal with their most dangerous cases they've ever worked in their careers. How it works is I will interview them as actors re-enact their cases for them over that hour. There will be two ways the interviews can be shot with our guests. The first with the hunter in silloette so as not to be identified by face, or two, by actually being seen during the interview. The choice is theirs. Which ever they feel comfortable with. It will be nothing like the "Dog" show at all. The show will showcase what real bounty hunters face everyday in their careers. Not to mention that they should received new business out of it by being on the show for their businesses as agents.

Here is the contact info for your members to talk to the producers:

Genevieve Croteau

Storyhouse Productions

202-464-7217 Direct

202-342-1373 Main

202-342-3883 Fax

Miss Croteau is very interested in interviewing any hunter who would like to be on the show. USPBIA will get free plugs during the show listing me as one of your Life Members at its beginning and end. Tell those interested to tell Miss Croteau that I sent them to her.

This was all because my book, "Dane, a life and time thereof: First Bounty" has become a success finally. Attached you will find my tv ad on that book. Enjoy. By the way Billy, this invite to be on the show especially includes you. I'd love to get to interview you on the show.

All my best,

Don Hoofard, Sr., Author of the "Dane" novels, based on the life and times of their author.

Life Member : USPBIA

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